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Everyday eat a cucumber to six big taboo

Eat a cucumber to benefit a lot, a cucumber is often eat food at ordinary times, eat the cucumber is taboo, however, let us together to learn about eating cucumber under six big taboo.
Eat a cucumber to six taboo:
Eat a cucumber to benefit a lot, such as to promote the body metabolism, can cure, freckles, sunburn and skin irritation. Cucumber can clear heat diuretic, prevent constipation. Fresh cucumber contains propyl alcohol acid, can effectively inhibited the sugar into fat, therefore, often eat cucumbers for weight loss and prevention of coronary heart disease has a lot of benefits.
1, unfavorable raw unclean cucumber;
2, unfavorable after alkaline or high heat cooking edible;
3, unfavorable put juice filling edible;
4, unfavorable feed more partial eclipse;
5, unfavorable feed with pepper, spinach;
6, unfavorable feed with cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, tomato, orange.
Remind: a lot of people like to eat raw cucumber, but for a farmers' market to buy a cucumber, after soaking peel them first, then eat the best. If it is a home grown without chemical pesticides, washing can eat.

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